Are you working in Human Resources or Learning & Development with responsibility for enhancing your organization’s performance through its people strategy? Would you like to learn more about creating and sustaining an emotionally intelligent workplace?


Why Should You Use Emovation in E-Motion Online Coaching and Learning Programs?

With our so-called ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ (the emergence of Artificial Intelligence) all of the most credible research organizations are focusing upon emotional intelligence skills as THE core differentiator for organizations in an AI-enabled world.

The latest research by Capgemini said “demand for EI is expected to increase by as much as six times” – underlining previous soft-quoted research from the World Economic Forum citing EI as a key skill for the next several years.

This report also said “Organizations do not conduct enough training in building EI skills for employees…”, despite the fact that they “…can achieve returns up to four times higher by investing in Emotional Intelligence skills“.

And it’s not just the World Economic Forum and Capgemini highlighting the key role of Emotional Intelligence – research just published by LinkedIn also identifies EI as one of the top 5 most in-demand skills.

Bottom line: if you’ve any responsibility for the people side of your business, emotional intelligence should be a key consideration. (Source: GENOS EU International)

The “new normal” is arising. As leaders, what are we going to do about it? Preparation for the “transition” period is a must. We, at Emovation, can help you navigate through it by defining how your people are “feeling” so we can get to a realistic and enabling emotional climate.

We can walk you through several programs, utilize interventions, OD consulting and Coaching for Leaders to support you and your people into becoming more resilient, adaptable and highly performing even with the change or shall we say transformation phase.

We are also announcing our Emovation in E-Motion Online Coaching and Learning Programs:

  • – The Emotionally Intelligent Leader
  • – Selling with the Heart
  • – Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
  • – Emotional Intelligence for Millennials

These are just a few of the programs we offer. We can also customize programs according to your needs. We have adapted to the call of the times and never worked so hard as before because we care!

For more information, contact us.


Other Emovation Products and Services

Online Learning Sessions:

  • – The whole program consists of 8-hours with 4 modules
  • – Per module consists of 2 hours of online learning
  • – Online learning can be taken per module or the whole program
  • – Online learning programs can be off the shelf or customized


Online Assessments and Coaching:

  • – Online Emotional Intelligence Assessments
  • – For Recruitment (GENOS selection tool)
  • – For Learning and Development ( Self,180 and 360 assessment)
  • – Online Emotional Intelligence Assessment + Coaching
  • – GENOS EI Self-Assessment
  • – GENOS EI 180 Assessment
  • – GENOS EI 360 Assessment


GENOS Emotional Culture Index Survey

The Emotional Culture Index is designed to measure three dimensions of emotions at work:

  • – Current state – How often your people experience certain feelings at work.
  • – Expected state – How often your people think it’s fair and reasonable to experience these feelings at work given the nature and context of your workplace.
  • – Ideal state – How often your people think they should ideally experience these feelings in your workplace in order to be effective.

For more information, contact us.